Lyric provided by

So the last one was an attempt to show you how music can write lyrics.
This one is lyrics that wrote music.
I wrote the lyrics first on this one then wrote music
ah that sounded like the lyrics.
On the last song I wrote ah the music first
and wrote words that sounded like music.
While we do this I have this guy Randy
and he helps the sound to lower or higher.
He tries to do a really good job
and we try to this more live than recording
because that's why there are some mistakes on it
and stuff because we want to get as many songs done as fast as possible
without you know ah making it perfect because than it's more human
or more real you know and stuff.
So here we are I'm doing Keep Going
and that's what I believe about when someone dies
or something doesn't mean we should give up.
We've got to keep going