Lyric provided by

The song is called
She is talking on the phone
It's all about
She is talking on the phone
The Video shows
She is talking on the phone
The CD insert
Has a lady on the phone
The song is called
She is talking on the phone


I'd call her up
But she is talking on the phone
The line is busy
Because she is talking on the phone
So we never go out
Because she is talking on the phone


She gets in her car
She is talking on the phone
There is traffic ahead
She is talking on the phone
Obvious to the fact
Because she is talking on the phone
Gets in a terrible accident
But she is talking on the phone
The ambulance comes
She is talking on the phone
She's at the hospital
She is talking on the phone
They are operating
She is talking on the phone
When you die
Will you be talking on the phone?
Who will you be talking to
When you die talking on the phone?


The song is called ....