Lyric provided by

They're coming
They're coming to get you
They're coming to get you
No I'm just kidding
Well maybe they are
I don't know
Well anyways
So after I wrote a couple songs
Original songs
Yeah this is the sound of an ambulance
After I wrote a couple songs I thought
I didn't have any original songs
Just a was remaking the other ones
And I said there's no way I could do this CD
because I would have to have new material
Brand new material to put on the CD otherwise it just
Boy it's
There must be something wrong with the neighbors there
Um anyways
So um I thought if I had a new song it would be really cool
Ah then I could
Let's clap everybody
No just kidding(Laugh)
It would be really cool I'd have this new song I could put it on the CD
and then I have some new material to regenerate
So anyways this is one of my new ones I wrote I'm gonna do it next
BTW My Cat was Taking A Bath was on brass and strings
and the new one coming up will be um it will be on church organ
This is all sound effects
That last sound effect is ambulance