Al Green - One Of These Good Old Days Lyrics

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Open your eyes,
So you can see,
Little girl,
That you hurt me,

Talkin' foolishly,
About lies,
Never really knowin' the reason why.

I must have been dazed,
Cause' I don't know,
But that's the price,
You have to pay.

See, what I feel is real,
Won't me to stay, I wili,
Ya been lovin' me,
For years, baby.

Yeah, aw,
Talkin' bout lovin' you,

Hey, One of these good ole days
Talkin' bout lovin' you

Time and time again,
I wonted you to be my friend (My friend)
Gonna love you, till the end,
Baby! (Baby)

Here somthin' else, little girl,
Deep down inside, (Down inside)
You know you caught me by surprise (Yeah, ay)
Now I finally opened my eyes, baby.
Hey, I must have been dazed,
Cause' I don't know,
But that's the price,
You have to pay.

Yeah, listen here!
Hey, talking bout lovin you,
You haven't seen anything, girl! (Yeah, baby!)
One of these good ole days,
One of these good ole days!
After I get myself together, baby!
Talkin' bout lovin you!
When you think about it
Let me think about it
One of these good ole days,
One of these good ole days!
You won't have to do anythang,
But call your name

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