Billie The Vision And The Dancers - City Lyrics

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This place ain’t familiar yet but I’m sure I could fit in here.
My neighbours stay up late at night.
I like this big city atmosphere.
On every wall around our block there are posters that I like.
There are major changes in the air. I can feel it’s heartbeat pump
And the wages I get from the cleaning job pays the rent
but not much more.
But it’s a halftime job and the afternoons are free.
I think I like this city.

I can’t believe I’m here and that I don’t fear tomorrow anymore.
I think we might be headed for a great time.
So look at me, tell me what you see and give me a left cheek kiss.
If this is not called happiness and don’t know what it is.
So take a deep breath, tell me what you smell.
I smell a good time in my life.
If this is not called happiness and don’t know what it is.

I used to say I don’t believe in this.
Now it’s as obvious as a kiss.
I know what I’ve been waiting for and I am glad I’ve done my time.
I’m on a bicycle to the market place. I got some music in my ears.
And every day I met people I know, almost all my friends are here.
The wages I get from the cleaning job pays the rent but not much more.
But it’s a halftime job and the afternoons are free.
It’s a halftime job and the afternoons are free. I think I like this city.

I can’t believe I’m here and that I don’t fear tomorrow anymore.
I think we might be headed for a great time.
So look at me, tell me what you see and give me a left cheek kiss.
If this is not called happiness and don’t know what it is.
So take a deep breath, tell me what you smell.
I smell a good time in my life.
If this is not called happiness and don’t know what it is.
I think I like this city.

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