Billie The Vision And The Dancers - You'd Better Watch Out Lyrics

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Words: L.Lindquist
Music: L.Lindquist

You better watch out cause I like you
Good things makes me vanish and go
If I find the common cure for this
I will also find that I am immune
You better watch out cause I like you

I drew a sketch on your shoulder
I tattooed you on your birthday
You couldn't see what it said
cause the blood and the bandage covered your arm
You better watch out cause I like you

I watched you sleeping sound this morning
You might catch a glimpse of me this night
Disappeared with the decease I have
I'm not feeling well so please don't pick up a fight
I should have watched out cause I like you

I will never learn from this
and you'll regret all the hugs and kisses
I will never learn from this
and you'll regret all the hugs and kisses
I will never learn from this

The tattoo that I left on you said best before right now
You should punch me in the stomach
and then you should hit me in the face
But you couldn't watch out cause I like you

I will never learn from this
and you'll regret all the hugs and kisses
I will never learn from this
and you'll regret all the hugs and kisses
I will never learn from this

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