E Nomine - Herr der Schatten [English] Lyrics
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- Herr der Schatten [English]
The Lord of Shadows, gloomy and dusty.
I am the darkness.
The Lord of Shadows and the darkness: ruler of the light of the room and time.
I command over the Lord of Shawdows.
Created from the darkness, the black riders of the apocolypse assemble you by the thousands for me.
They send you out for all that lives and exists in this world.
With all that, the power of darkenss will fall victim.
When your life comes to an end and the storm of death takes away your last breath, we will stay by you.
With you your coffin will be ascended.
Always by your side even when you travel to Hell and your sick soul is forbidden from paradise.
We are shadows from water and rocks.
We multiply like rats and maggots in bones
The time of black shadows.
The power of darkness.
All in the Army of Shadows.
Commander of the Devastators.
The Lord of all.
Thunder and lightning.
The eternal ruler of dark places like the underworld.