Edge Of Sanity - Forever Together Forever Lyrics

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Leaving the grind the mirror behind
loosing the ringth then and there
Whisper it was someone else and not me
How I wish I could

I keep the secret within deep inside
Grasping without reaching anything
I am alone here to seek for the truth
and your dead star is burning be weak

I am a ghost
Dwelling inside myself

Please forgive me if you're able
I do not know what I do
The inner autumn shrouds everything
The eternal rain that drown my soul

I am a ghost
Dwelling inside myself
I can not bare this anymore
As I am you

Together forever
In a masquerade of life and death
Forever together
The vision reached me from a dream
Together forever
Erverlasting scars, soul torture
Forever together forever

Impossible to leave this void
Unwilling to reveal the true face
Although I reckon this path is the only
And is it true that I can't resist

The soil has turned into stone
As I turn around and face myself
So close to the end
Unable to hear
The syncronized heartbeats of my dearest

[Repeat C.]

The moon didn't shine that night
Clouds gave way for the blackest sky
The spoken words translated into silence
and noone was to blame but me

[Repeat 1.]

[Repeat C.]

[Repeat 3.]

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