Enchant - See No Evil Lyrics

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Heard enough for today

Guess I'll turn and walk away

A leaf that's turned golden brown

The slightest breeze will bring me down

In safety mode system overload

My soul is moved with just disdain

But it's not my job to bring a change

Is it all by design

Or have we gone astray

Didn't we miss a sign

'Cause this can't be the way

Cynicism's a disease

No one's got it worse than me

Even if I raise my voice

It just gets lost in all the noise

Are we over the line

Or was it ever there

Maybe I should resign

To convince myself to care

Can you feel

(Or are you paralyzed?)

Can it heal

(Or will it spread to our eyes?)

Are we blind

(Or do we choose each day)

To see no evil

(To look the other way?)

A generation born to bleed

On the jagged edge of apathy

And to stand aside and criticize

Is the extent of my expertise

After all that we've seen

You'd think we'd want to turn around

Instead we take each brush with fate

And use it to paint the town

Can you feel

(Or are you paralyzed?)

Can it heal

(Or will it spread to our eyes?)

Are we blind

(Or do we choose each day)

To see no evil

(To look the other way?)

Can you feel or are you paralyzed?

Can it heal or will it spread to our eyes?

Are we blind or do we choose each day

To see no evil to look the other way?

Can you feel

(Or are you paralyzed?)

Can it heal

(Or will it spread to our eyes?)

Are we blind

(Or do we choose each day)

To see no evil

(To look the other way?)

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