Geoffrey Oryema - Magical Stone Lyrics

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If you were born in heaven, girl, I'd understand so well,
but ever since I met you, child, you've made my life such hell.
With ev'ry day that passes, I fall nearer to the ground.
It seems that I've been looking for something that won't be found.

I was only dreaming;
I was only try'n' to catch your eye.
I was only wishing you would notice me; instead you said goodbye.

Could this be the new answer then to all the dreams we've made?
Could there be some solution, please, to rid me of this craze?
But ev'ry single second that you hold me in your arms.
you build me up, you raise me up, you kill me with your charms.

I was only dreaming;
I was only try'n' to catch your eye.
I was only wishing you would notice me; instead you said goodbye.

(Try'n' to catch your eye.)
Won't you stay here tonight?
Won't you make these feelings last?
Can't we start this all again?
Would that be too much to ask?

I was only dreaming;
I was only try'n' to catch your eye.
I was only wishing you would notice me; instead you said goodbye.

I was only dreaming;
I was only try'n' to catch your eye.
I was only wishing you would notice me; instead you said goodbye.

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