Gossip, The - Fire with Fire Lyrics

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It ain't the end of the world girl
you'll find your place in the world girl
all you gotta do is stand up and fight fire with fire

big or small it makes no difference
we're gonna tell them what shape you'll be
all you gotta do is stand up and gith fire with fire

you gotta run on
they're gonna find you
you turn around, we're right behind you
can't you see that the bigger we are the harder the fall

run on
they're gonna find you
you turn around, we're right behind you
can't you see that the bigger we are the harder the fall

now, it ain't the end of the world girl
you'll find your place in the world girl
all you gotta do is stand up and fight fire with fire

in the end no one's innocent
big or small it makes no difference
get up, stand out, and hold your head up higher, higher

you gotta run on
they're gonna find you
you turn around, we're right behind you
can't you see that the bigger we are the harder the fall

run on
they're gonna find you
you turn around, we're right behind you
can't you see that the bigger we are the harder the fall

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