Great Big Sea - I'm A Rover Lyrics
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Well the night be dark as dungeon
not a star to be seen above
I will be guided, without a stumble
To the arms o' me onlylove
I went to her bed room window,
Came up gently upon a stone
I wrapped upon her bedroom window,
"My darling dear do you lie alone?"
For, I'm a rover seldom sober
I'm a rover of high decree
An' when i'm drinkin, I'm always thinking
Of how to gain my loves company
She raised her head from her feather pillow
With her arms up around her breasts,
Sayin', "Who's out my window
distubing me at my long undress?"
"'Tis but me, you own true lover,
Open the door and please let me in
For, I have come a long wet journey,
And I'm here dreanched to the skin."
For, I'm a rover seldom sober
I'm a rover of high decree
An' when i'm drinkin, I'm always thinking
Of how to gain my loves company
She opened the door with the greatest pleasure!
Opened the door, AND she let me in!
We both seized hands and embraced eachother
Until the morning we llay as one!
"But now, Me love, I must go and leave you.
Allthough the mountains be high above-
I will climb them for greater pleasure,
than I've been with me only love!"
For, I'm a rover seldom sober
I'm a rover of high decree
An' when i'm drinkin, I'm always thinking
Of how to gain my loves company
For, I'm a rover seldom sober
I'm a rover of high decree
An' when i'm drinkin, I'm always thinking
Of how to gain my loves company