Great Big Sea - Own True Way Lyrics

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It takes a lot
To get to the top
And a little just to fall from it
And I think I've seen you here before

Sometimes you fly so high
So fast it makes you sick
You won the battle and lost the war

And I don't mind if you say
Everytime you talk to me (everytime we talk)
We came, we saw, we conquered and crumbled
In our own true way

We loved, we fought,
We rocked and we tumbled
In our own true way (x2)

Well I believe in the brotherhood
And the good of all mankind
But I admit
It's hard to find

But if you want to talk
Just come and talk
It don't matter what the time
Solitude is no friend of mine

And I don't mind if you say
Everytime you talk to me (everytime we talk)
We came, we saw, we conquered and crumbled
In our own true way

We loved, we fought,
We rocked and we tumbled
In our own true way (x2)

It's hard to be
From a rock in the sea
Living in a big steel town
Finding unfamiliar faces all around

You heard 'em telling stupid jokes
You heard 'em laugh everytime you spoke
But you don't let 'em put you down

And I don't mind if you say
Everytime you talk to me (x4)
We came, we saw, we conquered and crumbled
In our own true way

We loved, we fought,
We rocked and we tumbled
In our own true way (x2)

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