J.J. Cale - Anyway The Wind Blows Lyrics

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Some like this and some like that

And some don?t know where it?s at

If you don?t get loose, if you don?t groove

Well, your motor won?t make it and your motor won?t move

If time don?t tell you then don?t ask me

I?m riding on a hurricane down to the sea

If you can?t hear the music, turn it up loud

There?s movement in the air and movement in the crowd

Bow-legged woman doing the boogaloo

She got a jive, she got a move

Turn around, do it again

Bow-legged woman, where you been

Fat jack owns a honky-tonk downtown

You can catch a woman if you hang around

You can tear down the door, tear down the wall

Fat jack he don?t care at all

Easy come, easy go any way the wind blows

Hey hey, drummer, drummer, can you give me that beat

Can you give me that beat, got to move my feet

Guitar player been all around the world

But he can?t play a lick for looking at the girls

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven

Well, you?d better change your ways or you won?t get to heaven

Eight, nine, ten gonna stop at eleven

Eleven just lays around with seven

Some like this and some like that

And some don?t know where it?s at

If you don?t get loose, if you don?t groove

Well, your motor won?t make it and your motor won?t move

Easy come, easy go any way the wind blows

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