J.J. Cale - Fancy Dancer Lyrics

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Once a day, everyday

Sometimes all night long

She moves her body next to mine

To the rhythm of this song

They call her May, some call her June

She just needs a dancer

No matter what day you call her now

I call her Fancy Dancer

Fancy Dancer

The way she moves, I say

If you ask, she will consent

To fancy dance all day

No man has ever lasted out

The night along with her

The pace's too quick, the heat's too hot

She dances in a blur

When the sun begins to fade

You might have a chance

To meet the lady of the night

She is the Fancy Dancer

Fancy Dancer

The way she moves, I say

If you ask, she will consent

To fancy dance all day

She draws attention from anyone

Who happens on her scene

It's mostly men who want to try out

The dancing queen

Fancy Dancer

The way she moves, I say

If you ask, she will consent

To fancy dance all day

Fancy Dancer

The way she moves, I say

If you ask, she will consent

To fancy dance all day

Fancy Dancer

The way she moves, I say

If you ask, she will consent

To fancy dance all day

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