Jagged Edge - What's It Like Lyrics

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Ooh ahh, Ooh ahh, ooh ahh ahh ahh

Everyday I age, I just want my life to change
I done been around, put away my childish things
Like my attitude, it ain't good to be so rude
I wanna be in love, it's my right to
And every year I seem to make some really bad mistakes
And I'm ready now, I don't wanna be this way
I'm finding out, what it's all about. Yeah
I want to be in love

What's it like to be in love? That's all I been thinking of
And I was just wondering, wil love ever know me?
And my heart is open, and I've been hoping
To find what it is everybody keeps on talking 'bout
What's it like to be in love? That's all a nigga thinking of
And I was just wondering, will love ever know me?
And my heart is open, and I've been hoping
Somebody show me, what's it like to be in love?

My life has changed somehow, but still so much the same
Got a bank account, I'm still broken down
I need to know, where does this road go(hopefully someone for me)
Family, is that so much to ask Thee?
Begging please
Feel like I'm going mad
I'd trade all I have
Just to know...

What's it like to be in love? That's all I been thinking of
And I was just wondering, wil love ever know me?
And my heart is open, and I've been hoping
To find what it is everybody keeps on talking 'bout
What's it like to be in love? That's all a nigga thinking of
And I was just wondering, will love ever know me?
And my heart is open, and I've been hoping
Somebody show me, what's it like to be in love?

I know love is something that you can't go out and buy
When you looking, always seems like it's the wrong time
But I hope one day I'll give away this heart of mine
Girl I think I'm ready
I wanna know love

What's it like to be in love? That's all I been thinking of
And I was just wondering, wil love ever know me?
And my heart is open, and I've been hoping
To find what it is everybody keeps on talking 'bout
What's it like to be in love? That's all a nigga thinking of
And I was just wondering, will love ever know me?
And my heart is open, and I've been hoping
Somebody show me, what's it like to be in love?

What's it like to be in love
What's it like to be in love
What's it like to be in love
What's it like to be in love
What's it like to be in love
What's it like to be in love
What's it like to be in love
What's it like to be in love

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