Jaguar Moon - Lotus Lane Lyrics

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What will you do?
When the White Lotus comes to you
What will you do?
When the Lotus splits in two

Everyone is gone
And they left it up to you
So now it's time to do
Just what you're destined to
To save our Lotus Lane
Make sure it stays the same
Stop hiding in the dark
It's time to face the pain

What will you do?
When the White Lotus comes to you
What will you do?
When the Lotus splits in two

Walk down Lotus Lane
It won't be the same
The Lotus blooms once and then never again
Walk down Lotus Lane
It won't be the same
The Lotus blooms once and then never again

What will you do?
When the White Lotus comes to you
What will you do?
When the Lotus splits in two

They left it up to you
But you gave it all away
You stabbed them in the back
And you cannot hide your shame
Their knives are out for you
And you fight them in the rain
The pavement drinks your blood
But you'll never run away

What will you do?
When the White Lotus comes to you
What will you do?
When the Lotus splits in two

Walk down Lotus Lane
It won't be the same
The Lotus blooms once and then never again
Walk down Lotus Lane
You'll see it's not the same
The Lotus blooms once and then never again

They trusted you
But never again
Things aren't the same
Since we lost Lotus Lane

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