Jah Shaka - Throw Her The Dick Lyrics

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Ain't ain't ain't nothin' wrong with a little bit of
grindin' while you're fightin' (2x)

(Ain't ain't ain't)

If your chick give you lip, just throw her the dick
You just throw her the dick
You just throw her the dick
And if she actin' like a bitch, just throw her the dick
You just throw her the dick
You just throw her the dick
And if she talkin' mad shit, just throw her the dick
Just throw her the dick
Just throw her the dick
And if she throwin' a fit, just throw her the dick
You just throw her the dick

So I got this gorgeous girlie and she really loves to love me
And when we get to fightin', yeah she really love to fuck me
She'll be shoutin', she'll be screamin', she'll be sayin' I don't love her
But when I whip my junk out, she'll be beggin' me to fuck her
You know my pants already be unbuttoned when when she gets t-to frontin'
She'll be spitin' over nothin', she'll be spitin' over somethin'
She'll be tellin' me she cummin' when we humpin'
She got nothin'
La-la-lady just say it never mattered in the first place

If your chick give you lip, just throw her the dick
You just throw her the dick
You just throw her the dick
And if she actin' like a bitch, just throw her the dick
You just throw her the dick
You just throw her the dick
And if she talkin' mad shit, just throw her the dick
Just throw her the dick
Just throw her the dick
And if she throwin' a fit, just throw her the dick
You just throw her the dick

(Ha OW!)

My girlie got opinions and my girlie got views
But when she get her hatin' on, that's when she get the tube
She's sexy and she's sweet, when she takin' the meat
So I'd rather keep her busy on her knees when she's frisky
It's risky business to cast this dick, Miss
When you been talkin' 'bout bitin' down when you pissed, bitch
I'm like your birthday, I'm betta than Christmas
I'll shower you wit gifts
My dick's all your lips'

If your chick give you lip, just throw her the dick
You just throw her the dick
You just throw her the dick
And if she actin' like a bitch, just throw her the dick
You just throw her the dick
You just throw her the dick
And if she talkin' mad shit, just throw her the dick
Just throw her the dick
Just throw her the dick
And if she throwin' a fit, just throw her the dick
You just throw her the dick

Ain't ain't ain't nothin' wrong with a little bit of
grindin' while you're fightin' (4x)

Ain't ain't ain't nothin' wrong with a little bit of
grindin' while you're fightin' (4x more while intermixed with chorus)

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