Johnny "Guitar" Watson - Gangster Of Love Lyrics

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Jesse James and Frank James,
Billy the Kid and all the rest,
Supposed to be some bad cats
Out in the West.

But when they dug me,
And my gangster ways,
They hung up their guns,
And made into their graves.

Cause I'm a gangster of love,
Say, I'm a gangster of love.
Oh, well now,
When I walk down the street,
All the girls that I meet
Say: "he's a gangster of love"


I robbed a local beauty contest,
for their first place winner,
they found her with me out in Hollywood,
eating a big steak dinner.
They tried to get her to go back,
to pick up her prize.
She stood up and told them:
"You just don't realize, that he's a gangster of love"

And in the morning,
gangster of love.
(Uuh yeah, now!)
When I walk in to a bar,
girls from... from near and far,
say: "he's a gangster of love".


I jump on my white horse Cadillac,
I ride across the border line,
I rope 65 girls,
I kiss them all the same time,
I take 25 or 30,
I put 'em all on a freight,
A million dollar reward for me,
In each and every state,
Sheriff say "Is you "Guitar" Watson?"
In a very deep voice
And I say "yes sir brother sheriff, and that's your wife on the back of my horse"

Cause I'm a gangster of love
I'm a gangster of love


When I walk down the street,
All the girls that I meet
Say: "he's a gangster of love"

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