Mark Hildreth - Siddhartha Lyrics

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When I'm standing, staring at the light of the day
When I wake to find that my mind is in my way
Well there are times I've survived it
And kept my own way

If we can see beyond that river (that river)
If we can see beyond that river (that river)
If we can see beyond that water in our way
Then we will see the blue skies of a brighter day

I tell you father, now it's time to go away
I hope to find a way to honor you some day
I'll be an actor, a poet, a gambler and a grey
So you can revel in the blue skies of my life

If we can see beyond that river (that river)
If we can see beyond that river (that river)
If we can see beyond that water in our way
Then we will see the blue skies of a brighter day

In this hour Siddhartha stopped fighting his fate
He stopped suffering
On his face flourished the cheerfulness of a knowledge
No longer opposed by any will,
Which knows perfection, is in agreement
With the flow of the current of life
Devoted to the flow, belonging to the oneness
And we too can see that sight

If we can see beyond that river (that river)
If we can see beyond that river (that river)
If we can see beyond that water in our way
Then we will see the blue skies

If we can see beyond that river (that river)
If we can see beyond that river (that river)
If we can see beyond that water in our way
Then we will see the blue skies of a brighter day

Then we will see the skies
Of a brighter day

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