Matt Willis - Don't Let It Go To Waste Lyrics

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Drawing circles on the window
Then im staring at the floor
There are places that we could go
'Cause we've been here before
And I'm losing myself
And im feeling a little...
Confused, i need help
I'm outta here

Get out the car honey,
What you said was outta place
Well i guess im walking home,
That sad look upon my face
Staight from the heart no worries,
Got a lot of love to make
Can you feel it a little...?
Don't let it go to waste

We're like a long distance conversation
With a two second delay
Talk alot but we don't listen
And we got so much to say
And I'm losing myself
And im feeling a little...
Confused, i need help
I'm outta here

Get out the car honey,
What you said was outta place
Well i guess im walking home,
That sad look upon my face
Staight from the heart no worries,
Got a lot of love to make
Can you feel it a little...?
Don't let it go to waste

And i don't want to miss you,
Even though we got issues
Yeah i know we can get through
Live for it all, 'cause after the fall comes the high

Get out the car honey,
What you said was outta place
Well i guess im walking home,
That sad look upon my face
Straight from the heart no worries,
Got a lot of love to make
Can you feel it a little...?
Don't let it go to waste
Don't let it go to waste
Don't let it go to waste
If you fell it a little.
Well don't let us go to waste.

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