Maxwell - Changed Lyrics

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Back when I was four or three,
clouds came rushin' round and took my sunshine,
clouds got a hold of me,
it brought me way way down,
clouds somehow made me believe,
that you were not around

So now what you tryin' to be,
whatchya tryin' tryin' to do to me,
ya got me catchin' feelings with an urgency,
now that I've changed my mind,

Sorry I was unsure of your love,
oooh sorry so once afraid,
that you would figure out the crutch,
and make a move and come and go and go and leave me,
like others left me,
when things got deep,
before you make me go girl,
promise you won't do that to me and baby,

Now what you tryin' to be,
whatchya tryin' tryin'to do to me,
ya got me catchin' feelings in the third degree,
now that I've changed my mind

Everything was just fine,
when you wanted to ruin my life,
and now plain and easy for me to see,
now that I've changed my life

Now that I don't wanna settle the score,
I ain't ever felt so free,
now that I don't wanna hurt no mo',
there's plenty mo' left for me

Cause everything was just fine,
you wanted to ruin my life ,
and it's plain and easy for me to see,
now that I've canged my mind

So now what you tryin' to do to me...

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