Melinda Ortner - Somethin' Sorry Lyrics

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Your smile's goin' strong
As I keep mine collected and calm
But I can't help look your way
Can I smile back just for today

Cuz I can't do much more and that's fine
It's nice to be content but sometimes...

I wonder if I'm wasting time
Is there something for me better to find...
'Cuz he's lookin' at me like you do
But I won't do what I'm not supposed to
It's probably just a little test
And I could try a taste make sure you're the best
You're wonderful and safe and right
But I know I need somethin' sorry tonight

He keeps starin' my way
Like he's got some, somethin' to say
And his looks got the better of me,
No I can't go where he wants me
So please just kindly keep your distance,
I'm happy in my quaint existence

But I wonder if I'm wasting time
Is there something for me better to find...
'Cuz he's lookin' at me like you do
But I won't do what I'm not supposed to
It's probably just a little test
And I could try a taste make sure you're the best
Cause you're wonderful and safe and right
But I know I need somethin' sorry tonight

Whoah... whoah... hmmmm
That gleam's got me...
Whoah... whoah... hmmmm
No please, not me.

But I can't wait until the end of time
To play the game I resist all of the time
Cause I want him right under my skin
Cause the fight seems like it wants him to win
And he's lookin' at me like you do
And I think I'll do what I'm not supposed to
Cause you're wonderful and safe and right
But I know I need somethin' sorry tonight...

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