Meteors, The - Walter Mitty Blues Lyrics

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I dreamed this was a real,
I dreamed this was my life,
I dreamed I was the only sane one living,
When I dreamed I couldn't open my eyes

I dreamed I was running away
From someone I'd never seen before,
I must have something bad to upset him
Cause he hit me with a brick
and then I stubbed my head and saw...

I dreamed I was down in a sewer
Holding my stomach to see a gapping hole,
I dreamed people were laughing
and proding my insides with a ten foot pole

I dreamed I lived in a cottage
I had to be inside before it was dark
Had to bolt all the doors, shut all the windows
The chaos began when the dog barked

There were babies crying, I heard wolves howling,
And a deafing hum of millions of flies,
I was laughing, screaming, shouting, screaming
I can't help it I can't open my eyes!

I dreamed I saw my best friend
Coming towards me with hate in his eyes,
The lights went out, I started to fly,
My head cracked open there was fire inside

I dreamed that this was a real,
I dreamed that this was my life,
I dreamed I was the only sane one living,
When I dreamed I couldn't open my eye

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