Mi-Sex - But You Don't Care Lyrics

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  • Mi-Sex
  • The Essential Mi-Sex [2007], Track 1 '79-'85 [1985], Track 2 Graffiti Crimes [1979], Track 3 ()
  • But You Don't Care
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The lightning flash in the plate glass
The reflection spears a hole in the back of my eyes
But an old man saunters nearby
Not noticing the flash on the chrome bars inside
I got you down on your bended knees
You begged for more treatment please
Why can't you let it be, a tree stump twists
Your love shall not be missed

But you don't care
You just don't care
Well, if there ain't no feelings there
I bet you don't care

A queen, the queen of hearts
She's more than one man can stand
But she'll be walking through the courtyard
In hand with another man
A king, the king of spades
He's watching from the wings
But his mind is not into the show
Because he's into other things

Oh, but he don't care
He just don't care
Well, if there ain't no feelings there
I bet he don't care, no


But in the house with the open doors
I caught you weeping, yes you were
Clutching on to the relics that your lover once had
You're looking for a man with an iron fist
Well, I said an eye for your beauty
Pulled at the heart for the sad

Oh, but he don't care
He just don't care
Well, if there ain't no feelings there
I bet he don't care

You just don't care
You just don't care
Well, if there ain't no feelings there
I bet you don't care

I bet you don't care
You just don't care
I bet you don't care
You just don't care
I bet you don't care
You just don't care

[To Fade]

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