Mia Doi Todd - The Way Lyrics

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I've been looking for a way out of this crazy situation now

The world in crisis, seems like paradise

Was lost and won't be found and all of life is endangered

And on the verge of breaking down

I wake up all fear and dread-locked

By all the things, I cannot talk about

We built our house of cards on ignorance

A landfill of deceit, the walls are hollow

And we listen, worry what they will secrete

Whoa whoa whoa

Is we

We all know they've got it fixed in political economics

We're junking bonds, we're dropping

Bombs we've made by guzzling gasoline

Public confidence is shaken like the apple from the tree

Namu amida butsu, gomen

Forgive me for my trespasses

I do my best to exist east of Eden

West of Garbagetown, over-accumulated

Karma Armageddon, full meltdown

Whoa whoa whoa

Is we

I've been looking for a way out of this crazy situation now

Our world in crisis, seems like paradise was lost

And won't be found and both our lives are endangered

And on the verge of breaking down

Whoa whoa whoa

Is we

Then the garden gates swing wide and we enter paradise

We are angels, we are good

We open our wings, we've understood

How time and change are fine, they're the way, they're the way

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