Michael Bublé - Lazy River Lyrics

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Up a lazy river by the old mill run
Lazy river in the noon day sun
Linger a while in the shade of a tree
Throw away your troubles, dream with me

Up a lazy river where the robin's song
Wakes that mornin', as we stroll along
Baby, Blue skies up above everyone's in love
Up a lazy river, how happy we will be
Up a lazy river with me

Up a lazy river by that old mill run
The lazy, hazy river in the noon day sun
You can linger for a while in the shade of a tree
Throw away your troubles, baby, dream a dream of me

Up a lazy river where that robin's song
Wakes that bright new mornin' that we can roll along
There may be blue skies up above
But as long as we're in love
We'll be up a lazy river, how happy we could be
Oh up a lazy river with me

Up a lazy river by that old mill run
Oh the lazy, hazy river in the noon day sun
You can linger for a while in the shade of a tree
Throw away your troubles, baby, dream a dream of me

Up a lazy river where that robin's song
Wakes that bright new mornin' that we can stroll along
There may be blue skies up above
But as long as we're in love
We'll be up a lazy river, up a crazy, lazy river
Oh up a lazy river, I ain't goin' your way
Get outta' my way
Up a lazy river with me

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