Midnight Panic - Tonight Is Our Last Night Lyrics

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The lies are always better left unsaid

So take the photos down off the wall

There's nothing left to talk about

We're in a plane and I want out

From all these stories that people tell

Thinking back I regret never telling you how I felt

I guess it feels worse

Thinking back I regret never telling you how I felt

I guess it feels worse

When you have to pretend you lose the person that you were alive

When you're trying to fix, you never feel ecstatic and alive

Tonight is our last night.

Tonight is our last night.

Now you know exactly how I feel

The truth is out and I can see what's real

There's nothing left to talk about

We're in a scene and I want out

From all these stories that people tell

Thinking back I regret never telling you how I felt

I guess it feels worse

Thinking back I regret never telling you how I felt

I guess it feels worse

When you have to pretend you lose the person that you were alive

When you're trying to fix, you never feel ecstatic and alive

Tonight is our last night.

Tonight is our last night.

Tonight is our last night alone dear

We thought of ??? like we're in this game

When you have to pretend you lose the person that you were alive

When you're trying to fix, you never feel ecstatic and alive

Tonight is our last night.

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