Miss Platnum - Give Me The Food Lyrics

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You know people always say

?Women should be thin

They should be on diet?

But I don?t care, I just enjoy eating

I like my coffee with a lot of cream

I like to eat late at night

I like scrambled eggs after a sweet dream

I like potatoes deep fried

I like some sugar in my lemonade

I like hot chicken wings and steak

I like thick cheesecake but homemade

I like a long lasting lunch break

Give me the food, I say, give me the food

Give me no fruit if you love me

Give me the food, I say, give me the food

Give me no fruit if you love me

Some girls may think, 'This chick's a little big'

Slim girls don?t understand, I don?t care

Some guys may say, 'It?s her curves that I didn?t urged'

They like the tight pants that I wear

I am Romanian, I love to eat

It's in my genes, I can?t control

Look at my carnation 'cause this bottles can?t compete

I am woman, no skinny doll

Give me the food, I say, give me the food

Give me no fruit if you love me

Give me the food, I say, give me the food

Give me no fruit if you love me

Give me the food, I say, give me the food

Give me no fruit if you love me

Give me the food, I say, give me the food

Give me no fruit if you love me

You know people say women

Should only eat yogurt and strawberries

They say a lot of things but you know

I don?t care what people say 'bout my weight

So if you want to take me out for a date

Make sure there is big love, don?t food on my weight

And maybe I let you get a taste of my cake

Give me the food, I say, give me the food

Give me no fruit if you love me

Give me the food, I say, give me the food

Give me no fruit if you love me

Give me the food, I say, give me the food

Give me no fruit if you love me

Give me the food, I say, give me the food

Give me no fruit if you love me

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