Miss Platnum - Life Lyrics

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Ha, life is tough

But not for you, you fool

You always complain

Whether it?s hot or it rains

I never see the sun shine from you

More of that, more of this

I don?t see anything you miss

Your life, the way you planned it, didn't come true

You told me you were broke

This must be a joke

I see you at the restaurant all day

Do you think it?s very funny

To say you have no money

And spend it like you spend your life away?

Life was too good to you

But you just celebrate, yeah

Don?t ever hesitate, no

To complain, you fool

Life was too good to you

It's gonna bury your legs, yeah

And just break your neck, yeah

You gonna fall, you fool

Ha, you gonna fall

You drive down the road

Thinking your Mercedes is too old

Tomorrow you will buy a new car

You can always ask your father

If not, I?m sure your mother gives you money

But this time you won?t get far, no

Next day new car is gone

At night they rob your home

They broke your arm while you tried to escape

When you be living in the street

With nothing left to eat

Then you will finally say, ?Life is great?

Life was too good to you

But you just celebrate, yeah

Don?t ever hesitate, no

To complain, you fool

Life was too good to you

It's gonna bury your legs, yeah

And just break your neck, yeah

You gonna fall, you fool

Life was too good to you

It's gonna bury your legs, yeah

And just break your neck, yeah

You gonna fall, you fool

Goodbye my friend, good luck

Just waiting for a break

Now, it?s much too late

Your life is a mistake

Yeah, but sorry it?s the end

It?s time you complaining

Won't make you rich, my friend, no

Just waiting for a break

Now, it?s much too late

Your life is a mistake

Yeah, but sorry it?s the end

It?s time you complaining

Won't make you rich, my friend, no

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