Statler Brothers - One Size Fits All Lyrics
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Well, you might be a pauper or you might be a prince
You might have great wisdom or only common sense
You might be rich and famous or a complete unknown
But there's one thing for certain when our Maker calls us home
When He hands out the halos, one size fits all
When you get your crown or glory, it won't be big or small
Your stature on earth won't measure your worth
In His eyes one size fits all
You might walk a hard road or live on easy street
Live from hand to mouth or have diamonds at your feet
Yeah, you might have had a little or thought you had it all
But the scales balance out when we meet our Makers call
When He hands out the halos, one size fits all
When you get your crown or glory, it won't be big or small
Your stature on earth won't measure your worth
In His eyes one size fits all
When He hands out the halos, one size fits all
When you get your crown or glory, it won't be big or small
Your stature on earth won't measure your worth
In His eyes one size fits all
In His eyes one size fits all
In His eyes one size fits all