Sunrise Avenue - Aim For The Kill Lyrics

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Oh no, driven by alcohol in need
Oh no, trying to convince you not to leave
Who is gonna be the first one to let go
Who is gonna be on my side of the door

Oh yeah, the last dance was so slow but worked pretty well
I ought to say something but I'm out of words, oh hell
So who is gonna be the sad one if you go
And leave me on the wrong side of the door

I'm just another guy, trying to fill the night
Aim for the kill, I aim for the kill
I'm just a normal guy, went just the classic line
Here for the thrill, I aim for the kill

I'm comming completely clear with you
To wanna insult you with annything but the truth
Okay, here is the deal I wanna apologize for comming on this strong
I might be rushing things, but it's been too long

So who is gonna be the first one to let go
Baby who is gonna be the first one

I'm just another guy, trying to fill the night
Aim for the kill, I aim for the kill
I'm just a normal guy, went just the classic line
Here for the thrill, I aim for the kill

I' alway staring at me wading for my final war
You know how this will end with sill I know you won't be strong
Baby you know this heartbeat, heartbeat breaking, making me in two
I've been dieing for this moment for to long with someone like you

I'm just another guy, trying to fill the night
Aim for the kill, I aim for the kill
I'm just a normal guy, went just the classic line
Here for the thrill, I aim for the kill

I aim for the kill, I aim for the kill
I aim for the kill, I aim for a kill

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