The Feelers - What's The Meaning? Lyrics

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Men, there were some
That flew higher than mountains
Gathering in the sun and the heat
The time turns against my muscles
I'm frightened
Safe for a time in my holding cell
But I'm still frightened

What's the meaning of this
Is it time getting old
Or is this me who doesn't want to be told

Back from the past
In this state who says I'm welcome
Taking satisfaction from the youth
Who pull me from this tomb
Came in from Mars
Bought a few and destroyed generations
Making no sense of you
Just a case of the same situation

What's the meaning of this
Is it time getting old
Or is this me who doesn't want to be told
What's the meaning of this
Is it time getting old
Or is this me who doesn't want to be told

You said I had information overload
Information's changing, information's lost and
You said I had information overload
All the world is changing and everything is lost and
You said I had information overload
All the youth are changing, everything is lost and
You said I had information overload

I get a little older now
I get a little older now
I get a little older, but I feel younger every day


I get a little older now
I get a little older now
I get a little older, but I feel so young, yeah
I get a little older now
I get a little older now
I get a little older, but I feel so young, yeah

I get a little older now
I get a little older now
I get a little older, but I feel so young, yeah
I get a little older now
I get a little older now
I get a little older, but I feel so young, yeah

© 2011 The Feelers
Written by James Reid

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